Accounting FAQs
Sync Error: Statement payment sync error: We weren't able to sync across the following statement payment due to this error: the frombankaccount with the details provided could not be located
Overview Ramp has received the following error message from your Accounting Provider: Statement p...
Sync Error | This expense line cannot be billable
Overview Ramp has received the following error message from your Accounting Provider Sage: Th...
Automatically categorize expenses over SMS
Overview Ramp simplifies the GL categorization process by using the reason provided by cardholder...
How to find a trusted, outsourced accounting firm
Overview Are you looking for an accountant who understands your business and can help you scale e...
Importing Vendors Into Ramp
Ramp allows you to import your vendors and vendor information from your ERP, simultaneously linki...
Exporting Bills via CSV
Overview Ramp now supports separate exports of bills and bill payments for our Universal CSV and ...
Sync bills on approval
Overview Ramp syncs bills to your accounting provider when they are submitted for approval by def...
Migrating Ramp to a new accounting provider
Overview Sometimes, a business will outgrow the accounting system it is currently using. Perhaps ...
UCSV | Adding and updating accounting fields
Overview If you're using Ramp's Universal CSV (UCSV) accounting integration, you can easily add a...
Removing a funds and card rule that has been saved
This article is under construction; please do not make any edits without consulting Mike Coleman ...
Splitting transactions or reimbursements
Overview If enabled, Ramp supports splitting transactions and reimbursements into multiple line i...
Marking transactions as synced
Overview Ramp's feature to mark transactions as synced allows users to manage exceptions by remov...
Editing the transaction date on Ramp
Overview When syncing transactions on Ramp, you may get an error message telling you your account...