Capture every purchase request in one place, and conveniently generate Purchase orders all directly in Ramp to streamline your Procurement process. Learn more about Purchase orders in Ramp below.
Customize Purchase Orders
Ramp Procurement allows you to customize purchase orders for your business needs. To do so, navigate to Procurement > Purchase orders > Settings. You can also set different configurations per entity on Ramp.
- PO Numbering - Customize the prefix for your POs
- Logo - Upload a logo for your PO PDF
- Billing address - Set a default billing address
- Billing contact - Set a default billing contact (e.g. invoices@domain)
- Footer text - Customize instructions for every PO
PO Overview
The Overview tab shows you how much spend has been fulfilled against the total, based on attached bills or card spend. The PO number can be changed on an approved PO. The Overview also shows you:
- Approvals and current status
- Line items
- Request details
Purchase requests with recurring frequency will issue 1 PO with the total amount being amount per frequency * frequency.
For matching spend, you would match all spend to that same PO.
Upload an invoice for payment
- Once you receive an invoice from the vendor for the services, click "Upload invoice" and drop in the invoice that you've received. This will send the invoice to your AP team for payment.
- If the vendor is sending the invoice to your company's AP email inbox, you can tell them the PO# to put on the invoice for payment. Ramp will automatically match the invoice to the open PO to streamline the payment process for your finance team.
PO Info/Downloading and Sending Ramp POs
Admins, approvers, and PO owners can download Ramp purchase orders into a PDF or send them directly to the vendor contact's email inbox. Click the "More" option on a purchase order and choose either "Send to vendor" or "Download PDF."
- You can have a separate ship to and bill to address on a PO when you export.
- You can change the company name on a PO by going to PO Info --> Business Info --> edit company name and save the PO.
Matching Bills to Purchase Orders in Ramp
Ramp allows you to match invoices in Ramp Bill Pay to purchase orders created in Ramp. There are two ways to submit an invoice against a purchase order.
- PO owner can directly "Upload invoice" on the purchase order to send the received invoice to your company's AP team. This will be sent to Bill Pay > Drafts and automatically OCRed by Ramp's AI.
- In the Bill Pay workflow, you can choose a "Matching purchase order" for the invoice.
How does automated matching work?
- If there's an exact match for the Ramp purchase order # on the invoice, Ramp will automatically match the invoice to the Ramp PO.
- If the vendor doesn't add the Ramp PO# on the invoice, Ramp will show you suggested purchase orders in the "Matching purchase order" dropdown that's filtered by the vendor.
Once a matching purchase order is selected, Ramp will also automatically match invoice line items with purchase order line items.
- Once the line items are connected, if there's accounting coding on the PO line items, we'll automatically pull those fields in on the Invoice line item.
- Once you bill against the PO, you will see the remaining spend available on the PO.
- Invoices can be over-billed against a PO today and this will be clearly shown on the PO like below.
Syncing Purchase Orders into Accounting
Purchase orders created in Ramp can be synced into NetSuite and QuickBooks Online. Learn more in Syncing Ramp Purchase Orders into Accounting. If you have POs in your accounting provider, you can also use our Import PO feature for NetSuite and QuickBooks Online.
If you're using NetSuite and QBO, you can change the PO a bill is matched to even after the bill is created.