Customers who receive/process invoices via spreadsheet now have a means to upload the spreadsheet (CSV or XLSX) within Ramp and create draft bills.
Jump to:
- Step 1: Begin upload
- Step 2: Map headers and review upload
- Step 3: Bulk create draft bills
- Frequently Asked Questions
How to create bills via spreadsheet upload
Step 1: Begin upload
Begin by clicking the New bill button and selecting the “create draft via spreadsheet”
Step 2: Map headers and review upload
After uploading your spreadsheet of bills, Ramp will request you review and map your column headers to the fields that Ramp is expecting:
- Vendor Name
- We'll give you a heads up if this doesn't match with a vendor that has already been created within Ramp!
- Description (optional)
- Invoice #
- Vendor memo (optional)
- Invoice date
- Bill due date
- Business entity (optional - will use default if not specified/only applies for customers using Ramp Multi-Entity)
- Currency
- Line item description
- Line item amount
- Payment type (optional)
- Bill accounting fields
- Ramp will pull available accounting fields from both the invoice level and line item level and allow you to code your bills via the spreadsheet upload.
Step 3: Bulk create draft bills
If all the necessary information has been entered for the bill, admins and AP clerks can select all their bills and bulk create bills to kickoff approval routing.
Frequently Asked Questions
How does Ramp schedule bills that are uploaded via bulk bill upload?
- Ramp will refer to the schedule preference you have set. If the preference is “Skip for now”, Ramp will not set a payment date. However, if the preference is to schedule, Ramp will set the payment date based on the indicated due date and ensure payment arrives by the due date.
Which roles are able to upload bills via the spreadsheet upload?
- Owners, Admins, and AP clerks can create bills via spreadsheet upload