Note: on-premises deployments are NOT supported. Please ensure that the Acumatica URL has acumatica.com in it. If acumatica.com is not in the URL, then Ramp will not support a direct integration because you have an on-premise deployment.
Our integration with Acumatica ensures your spend data is current and accurate.
Transaction syncing
- Transactions and reimbursements are synced as cash purchases.
- Bills are synced as bills.
- Statement payments are synced as fund transfers.
- Cashback redemptions are synced as cash transactions.
Vendor management
- Default vendors are synced.
- New vendors from Bill Pay are created in Acumatica.
Additional support
- Multi-entity configurations are supported.
- Your chart of accounts is integrated for easy financial coding.
What Ramp looks like
How will transactions appear in Acumatica?
How will reimbursements appear in Acumatica?
Ramp reimbursements will also show up as cash purchases. The only addition is that you are able to code the reimbursement to a specific user.
How will bills appear in Acumatica?
Ramp bills show up as bills. We will automatically fill all fields on the bill form linked to the bill coded within Ramp.
Note: Ramp cannot sync the bill payment to a bill until the bill is released.
How will statement payments appear in Acumatica?
Ramp statement payments will show up as a fund transfer.
How will cashback redemption appear in Acumatica?
Ramp cashback redemption will show up as a cash transaction.
How is multi-entity supported?
Ramp supports multi-entity setups in Acumatica, but the process varies depending on how your legal entities are represented in Acumatica. Follow the guidelines below based on your setup:
1. Legal Entities Represented by Branches:
- If your legal entities are represented by branches in Acumatica, you can link each Ramp entity to the corresponding Acumatica branch.
- This setup allows you to manage multiple business entities within a single Ramp instance.
2. Legal Entities Represented by Companies with Branches Enabled:
- If your legal entities are represented by companies in Acumatica, but branches are enabled, you will link each Ramp entity to the Acumatica branch where you want liability to accrue.
- For expense management, the branch associated with the expense side of the transaction can be customized on a per-transaction line item or per-bill line item basis.
3. Legal Entities Represented by Companies with Branches Disabled:
- If branches are disabled in Acumatica, and your legal entities are represented by companies, you will see the Acumatica companies as subsidiary options in Ramp.
- In this case, you can directly select the company that corresponds to each legal entity when setting up Ramp.
Please reference Ramp support for multi-entity for more details.
What status will a transaction from Ramp have when it is synced to Acumatica?
Transactions synced from Ramp start in the 'Balanced' state, which is one state advanced from the 'Hold' state. At this point, they can be moved to the pre-release state or they can be directly released manually or via a batch process from within Acumatica on the Release Payments screen: go to payables -> release payments -> select the Ramp payment method & Ramp card account in cash account, select transactions, and then click process all in the menu.
For credit card, reimbursement, and bill transactions, Ramp will sync these in the 'Balanced' state. For statement payments and cashback, Ramp will sync these in the 'hold' state.
Why does Ramp sync using cash purchases for transactions?
Ramp syncs transactions as cash purchases for several reasons:
Acumatica Demo Data: The Acumatica demo data recorded credit card transactions as cash purchases.
Acumatica Documentation: According to Acumatica's documentation, cash purchases are the correct way to record vendor purchases that do not create a liability to the vendor. This is why they are termed "cash" purchases.
Consultant Recommendations: Our Acumatica consultants have advised that recording Ramp transactions as cash purchases is the most technically accurate method.
Does the Ramp & Acumatica integration support Procurement?
There's no immediate plan to support procurement. Please reach out to your Account Manager to provide feedback.
How does Ramp treat hidden Acumatica projects?
If a project is hidden in Acumatica, then it will not populate in Ramp. In other words, Ramp only displays Acumatica projects with the "active" status.
Why am I prompted to re-enter my Acumatica credentials every 30 days?
In Acumatica 2023R1, Ramp cannot grant indefinite access to the Acumatica environment. Because of this, the user who connects Acumatica to Ramp will need to re-enter their Acumatica credentials every 30 days in the Accounting tab.
After updating to Acumatica 2023R2, Ramp is granted indefinite access to the Acumatica environment, and this step is no longer required.
Why do refunds sync as Cash Transactions instead of Cash Purchases in Acumatica?
In Acumatica 2023R1 and 2023R2, creating refunds as Cash Purchases is not supported. As a result, when a refund is synced to Ramp using either of these versions, it will appear as a Cash Transaction instead of a Cash Purchase.
After updating to Acumatica 2024R1, refunds will sync as Cash Purchases with the Cash Return document type.
Why does the Project Task dropdown sometimes only show the project without an associated task?
If a project in Acumatica doesn't have any specific tasks (meaning it only has a default task), it will appear in the Project Task dropdown as just the project name without an associated task. This is due to technical and product design reasons, which is why the project and task are not split into two separate fields.
How do projects with tasks appear in the Project Task dropdown?
For projects that do have tasks, the Project Task dropdown will display them in the format "Project Name - Task Name." For example:
- "Project 1 - Task 1"
- "Project 1 - Task 2"
- "Project 2 - Task 1"
- "Project 2 - Task 2"
What is the "Payment Ref" number, and why is it so long?
The "Payment Ref" number is an internal Ramp ID for the transaction. This unique identifier is used internally by the integration to ensure accurate data is recorded in the ERP system. Due to its importance in maintaining data integrity, the number cannot be shortened.