Managing your bills on Bill Pay just got easier. Use the available filters, sorts, and bulk actions to streamline bill management on Ramp Bill Pay.
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Managing bills
Bill Table Views
Ramp, by default, organizes the Bill Pay tab by bill stages: Drafts, For Approvals, For Payment, and History (includes Paid and Archived bills). You can easily click through these tabs at the top of the page to view all bills at that stage.
Click the Overview tab to view all bills section based on their status.
Video of a customer clicking through each Bill Pay sub-tab: Drafts, Approvals, Payment, History, and Overview
You also have the option to add and remove and re-order the columns within your view.
Video of customer adding/removing columns and reordering the columns
If you consistently view a specific set of columns and/or filters, you can save a custom view on your Bill Pay tab.
As you take action on bills, Ramp will auto-advance to the next bill in drafts / next bill in your approval queue to further streamline AP processes!
Video of a customer creating a bill from Drafts and being taken to the next draft in queue automatically
Bill Pay gives you the ability to filter bills by several options:
- Vendor - view bills for a selected vendor or vendors
- Vendor owner - view bills for vendors with selected vendor owner(s)
Status - view bills based on the available statuses
- Missing info - view bills that have been scanned but are missing required info to proceed with bill creation
- Ready - view bills that have all required info and can proceed with bill creation
- Awaiting approvals - view bills in the approval flow
- Scheduled - view bills that have been approved and scheduled for payment
- Initiated - view bill payments that have been initiated
- Waiting for match - view bills that have been approved and waiting for a card transaction match
- Ready for payment - view bills that are approved and selected to be paid off of Ramp
- Waiting for vendor - view bills that have open vendor details requests that have not yet been completed
- Unscheduled - view bills that have been approved but do not have set scheduled payment dates
- Payment failed - view bills that have attempted payment but the payment failed
- Paid - view bills that have completed payment
- Archived - view bills that have been archived (essentially deleted, but kept visible for audit purposes. Bills in this state cannot be hidden or moved to a different state)
- Rejected - view bills that have been rejected from approvals
- Amount - view bills between a specified minimum and maximum amount
Payment type - view bills with selected payment types:
- ACH (direct deposit)
- International wire (includes both SWIFT USD and FX payments)
- Check by mail
- Card
- Paid off Ramp
- Next approver - view bills that are in the approval stage filtered by a specific approver
- ERP Accounting Fields - view the accounting codings for the bill. Note, if an accounting field is coded differently across multiple line items, the table view will show "MULTIPLE"
Sync status - view bills with specified sync status
- Sync successfully
- Sync in progress
- Sync failed
- Entity - view bills for the specified entity (only available for multi-entity customers)
Bill Dates (Invoice Date, Due Date, Payment send date, Payment arrival date) - view bills based on specified dates
- Note this filter is found in the top right corner of the bill pay table view
Image of the filter drop-down menu options |
Image of the bill dates filter and its available options |
You can sort by the following columns in the bill pay tables view:
- Vendor/Owner
- Status
- Amount
- Payment, Invoice, and Due Dates
- Invoice #
- Entity
Video of customer sorting columns in bill pay tables view
Bulk Actions
Ramp bill pay currently supports the following bulk actions.
- Remind Approvers and Vendors
Edit bills
- amount - change the total amount on selected bills
- due date - change the due date on selected bills
- invoice date - change the invoice date on selected bills
- description - change the bill description on selected bills
- accounting fields - change any of the accounting fields on selected bills
- Retry Sync - retry the bill or bill payment sync for any bills that have associated sync errors
Approval Actions
- Approve - in the For approval tab you may select bills awaiting your approval and bulk approve them
Payments actions
- Mark bills as paid - for bills paid off of Ramp, select bills and mark them as paid
- Edit payment date - add or update the scheduled payment date for bills past the draft stage
- Pay now - initiate payment for selected bills that have been approved
- Retry payments - initiate payment for selected bills that have failed payment.
- Unschedule - remove payment date and unscheduled bills past the draft stage
- Cancel - cancel any initiated payments that have not yet been delivered to the vendor
- Delete - in the Drafts tab, admins may select bills and bulk delete them. Note this will permanently delete the bill from Ramp.
Video of customer bulk approving bills
Exporting bills
You can export a list of bills by clicking the download icon in the top right corner of the page. Two exports are available:
- Download current view (CSV) - exports the list of bills based on the current set of applied filters and columns. Note: that draft and archived bills cannot currently be exported
- Download invoices in bulk (Zip option) - Users can select the "download invoices (ZIP)" option from the download icon in the tables view. After clicking this, an email will be sent with a call-to-action to download the requested files.
- Advanced Export - learn more below
- Download AP aging report - learn more about AP aging reports here
Video of customer exporting the table view
Advanced Export
Ramp also gives you an advanced export with additional fields. With the advanced export you have access to all columns available in the UI in addition to the following fields:
- Bill URL
- Invoice received date
- Payment method
- Payment initiated date
- Payment received date
- Bill Amount
- Currency
Bill payment sync status
- Entity
Vendor memo
Trace ID
Check number
- Banking partner ID
- Latest approver
- Approvers
You also have the option to export line item level accounting within the Settings tab.
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)
Who has access to these bill table views and the available filters, sorts, and bulk actions?
- Admins, Owners, and AP clerks have access to all the Bill Pay tabs (i.e Drafts, Approvals, Payments, History) and all the bills within those tabs.
- Vendor Owners will only have access to the Approvals, Payments and History tab and will only be able to view bills for which they are the vendor owners for. Filters will be adjusted to only display bills accessible to them.
- Individuals on the approval chain will have access to the Approvals tab and will only be able to view bills that require their approval. tab and will only be able to view bills for which they are the vendor owners for. Filters will be adjusted to only display bills accessible to them.
- Managers and Employees that are not vendor owners or on the approval chain will not be able to access the Bill Pay tab as a whole.