Ramp can help you eliminate the manual task of collecting and storing vendor payment and tax information by doing it for you! When creating vendors or creating bills, you can seamlessly request Ramp to collect specific information from your vendor.
Jump to:
- Requesting details from vendor profile
- Requesting details when creating a new bill
- Overriding vendor requests
- Frequently Asked Questions
Requesting details from vendor profile
If creating a new vendor:
When you create a new vendor, there is a section to input the vendor's payment and tax details. You always have the option to input the details yourself or to skip for the time being, however, you can also let Ramp do the manual work for you and request the vendor for these details on your behalf.
Simply follow the steps below to request details while creating a new vendor:
- Head to the vendor tab within Ramp
- Click the new vendor button and begin inputting the necessary information for the vendor profile
- Scroll down to the payment details and tax details section and review the default selection of requesting the vendor for both payment and tax details
- If for any reason you would like to manually input the details or skip inputting for the moment, click the drop-down menu in either section and select your desired option
- Note, if you select to collect the payment details from the vendor, Ramp will ask the vendor for their preferred payment method ACH, Check, or International
- Click continue, review the inputted vendor details, and click create vendor
Video demonstrating new vendor creation and selecting Ramp to request details on the customer’s behalf
If you select to have Ramp request payment details, tax details, or both from your vendor, Ramp will send an email to the stored vendor contact(s) stating the requests.
Vendors would need to click the complete vendor details link within the email to begin inputting the requested details.
Note that unlike other types of communications that Ramp sends to vendors, internal employees from the business - such as vendor owners or admins - will not be cc'd on the email sent to the vendor for security measures.
The email the vendor will receive to input their details
Video of vendor entering their ACH and tax details via a provided email link
Vendors will also have the option to create their own vendor account on Ramp to track their Ramp payments and store their payment details for future use. Learn more about the Ramp Vendor Portal here.
Once the vendor adds the requested information, the details will be passed onto the vendor profile you have created within Ramp.
If editing existing vendor
You always have the option to request or re-request from existing vendors within your Vendors tab.
Follow the steps below to request details from an existing vendor:
- Head to the vendor tab within Ramp
- Search for your desired vendor and open their vendor profile
- Click edit vendor and then from the Payment details and/or tax details section, select "request from vendor" for desired payment methods and/or tax information.
- Click update vendor to save your changes and send the request to your vendor
Your vendor will update you with the details once the request has been fulfilled by the vendor.
Video of user re-selecting to request ACH details from their vendor
Reminding vendors of outstanding requests
You can remind vendors of outstanding information requests and re-send emails to the vendor contact email(s) you have on file. Please note, that you may only remind vendors once a day.
Follow the steps to remind vendors:
- Head to the vendor tab within Ramp
- Search for your desired vendor and open their vendor profile
- Click edit on the vendor profile
- From the payment details/tax details section, click send reminder.
Requesting details when creating a bill
If the bill is for a new vendor
If you are creating a bill for a net new vendor, you will be asked to create a new vendor within Ramp and would have the same options and follow the same process as above to request payment and tax information from the vendor.
Video of the user requesting vendor details while creating a bill for a new vendor
Note, the payment details on the bill will then default to "Request from Vendor".
If the bill is for an existing vendor
If you are creating a bill for an existing vendor, you still have the option to request payment details from the vendor while creating the bill. Simply select "Request from Vendor" as an option in the "Send payments to" field. You can choose to request details for the following payment methods: ACH, Check, and International Wire.
Video of user requesting vendor payment details while creating a bill for an existing vendor
Overriding vendor detail requests
We understand that occasionally the payment or tax details can be obtained outside of Ramp and then need to be entered in manually. In the case that there are already outstanding detail requests within Ramp whether through the vendor profile or through a specific bill, please be aware of how Ramp will handle these overrides:
Payment detail overrides
Ramp allows you to request payment details either through the vendor profile or while creating a bill.
If there is an outstanding request both through the vendor profile and on a specific bill (or bills) for that vendor:
Manually inputting details on the vendor profile: Manually inputting the payment details directly on the vendor profile will not impact the payment details request on a bill. Any payment detail requests on the bills for the vendor will remain intact.
Once (and if) the vendor fulfills the request, we will add those payment details to both the bill and vendor profile. Those details will be additive - i.e. if you add ACH details for a vendor and then the vendor submits their own ACH details, we will surface both sets of ACH details on the vendor profile and bill payment selection.
Manually inputting details on a specific vendor bill: Manually inputting the payment details on a specific bill will impact the payment details request on the vendor profile - Ramp will cancel/override any outstanding payment details requests on the vendor profile.
If your vendor attempts to input payment details after the details have been manually inputted, the link to input will have expired and the vendor will no longer be able to add their payment details.
Note, if you manually add payment details for one bill, it will not automatically update all other bills, and will not impact the payment detail request for those other bills. Once (and if) the vendor fulfills the request, we will add those payment details to the bills still linked to the request.
Tax detail overrides
Prefer to add tax details manually? Feel free to do so and any outstanding requests we sent to your vendor will be canceled automatically. You can also manually cancel the request at any time if you prefer to come back to this later (or if you want to stop sending notifications to the vendor).
Note that once a request is canceled, if your vendor attempts to input tax details afterwards, they will be notified that the link has expired. Once a cancelation occurs, they will no longer be able to add their tax details this way unless a new request is sent.
Also, keep in mind that tax details requests are independent from payment details requests. If you have requested payment details in addition to tax details, we will still send reminders to your vendor for payment details.
Frequently Asked Questions
- Do vendors need a Ramp Vendor Portal account to input their details No, vendors do not need a Ramp Vendor Portal account to input their details. Ramp Vendor Portal accounts are entirely optional for vendors.
- What happens if a vendor doesn't input their payment details for a bill in time? If your vendor does not provide the requested payment details before the scheduled date on the bill, the bill will be delayed until payment details are added to the bill. Once the payment details are added (either via the vendor or yourself), check the bill and initiate payment manually if it has not automatically been initiated.
- How long does the vendor request for payment or tax details last? It will expire after 14 days.