The Guest user is a role with limited access to Ramp. This role is great for temporary employees or candidates who need to access spend on Ramp or request reimbursements but shouldn't have full access to the platform.
Inviting a Guest
Like an Employee, a Guest can be invited to Ramp by Admins, IT admins, and Managers as a new user. To change a Guest's role, follow the instructions detailed in this article.
Please note: Although a Guest can be upgraded to an employee, an employee cannot be downgraded to a Guest.
What Guest users can do
- Guest users can access Ramp with any email domain, thus bypassing Single Sign-On (SSO) requirements.
- Guests can request reimbursement for out-of-pocket spend.
- Guests can use virtual cards or spend programs if issued by a manager or admin.
- Guests can add accounting codes to transactions if admins have it as a part of the expense policy.
- Guests can use the Ramp mobile application on both iOS and Android platforms.
What the Guest user cannot do?
- Guest users cannot request virtual cards or spend programs, receive a physical card,
- View global rules, approval structures, or other employees.
Use cases
- A company hires a temporary worker who needs to submit reimbursement requests for travel expenses. The temporary worker is assigned the Guest user role, enabling them to request reimbursements but not access broader company financial data.
- A candidate for a short-term project needs a virtual card for project-related expenses. To confer necessary access without exposing sensitive information, the candidate is given a guest role.
Best practices and tips
- Use the Guest role for individuals who require temporary and restricted access to Ramp.
- Clearly communicate the limitations of the Guest role to ensure users understand their access level.
- Regularly review and update the list of Guest users to ensure only necessary individuals have access.
- Use the Guest user role alongside other security measures to maintain control over sensitive financial data.
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)
How can I issue virtual cards to a Guest user?
A manager or an admin within Ramp can issue virtual cards or spend programs to guest users.
Are there any actions or features that a Guest user absolutely cannot perform?
Yes, Guest users cannot request virtual cards or spend programs, receive a physical card, view global rules, approval structures, or other employees, act as an "Assistant," or be assigned an "Assistant" on Ramp.
Who can invite a Guest user to Ramp?
Admins, IT admins, and Managers can invite Guest users to Ramp. Guests must be invited as new users.
Is there a way to automatically change emails in the case where a Guest is promoted to an Employee?
We do not currently support that functionality. The workaround is to terminate the guest and invite the employee with their proper email. If that's not an issue, you can adjust the guest's role to an employee and have an admin (or the user themselves) change their email.
Can guests make approvals?
No, guests cannot make any approvals at this time.