By connecting your previous credit card provider, we can identify large and recurring vendors from your old credit card provider for you to seamlessly switch that spend over to Ramp. This will make the transition process much easier by listing out all the vendors, giving you the option to assign tasks to your employees to switch that spend, providing the payment URL of the merchant, and earning cashback for these vendors.
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Migration steps
Connecting your previous credit card(s)
You can connect your previous credit card provider through two methods: Finicity / Teller or Uploading a CSV with historical transactions.
To start, head to the Vendors > Migrate Payments tab
Uploading a CSV (est. 10-15 min): The process to upload the data from your previous credit card provider is very simple. All you have to do is download your transaction history for the last 90 days, submit it to Ramp, and wait for it to process (we'll send an email once it's ready!).
We can only support one CSV at this time, so please aggregate the CSV's into one if you download multiple)
- If you're bringing vendors over from Brex, Chase, or Amex, all you will have to do is upload that CSV
- If you use another credit card provider or a combination of providers, please reformat it according to this template (leave the column names as is and paste the relevant data below)
- Columns must be: transaction_time, amount, user, and merchant_name in that order
- If you made a mistake, missed some data, or you're having trouble, please reach out to Ramp Support for help!
We can only support one CSV at this time, so please aggregate the CSV's into one if you download multiple)
Finicity / Teller (est. 5 min): The process to link through Finicity / Teller is as easy as inputting your credentials. After you've completed this, we will pull historical transactions to create your report.
- Note: we will not be able to get cardholder information through here so we cannot identify who previously paid for these expenses. If you want a more robust report, please use the second method
Transitioning Spend
Once you connect your previous credit card, we will generate the report and email you when it's ready.
Assigning Cardholders
- If we detect the cardholder and they are on Ramp, we will automatically fill in the row with the said cardholder
- If the cardholder is not on Ramp, we will suggest the user to invite
- By clicking the drop-down, you can select anyone else on Ramp if you'd like to assign the task of switching to someone else (including yourself)
- Additionally, you can invite a member of the employee you'd like to assign the task to who isn't on Ramp yet (for more information on inviting a user during the flow, scroll to the invite a user section below)
Assigning Cards
- Once you've selected someone, you can either create a card for this specific vendor or select a pre-existing card for the employee
- Note: We recommend creating a virtual card per vendor for security (for more info on why we recommend this, please reference this article).
Below is the drop-down once you click into the Payment Card column
- If you select to create a card, we will automatically fill in the merchant and category restrictions to make sure the card is only used for the intended purpose (you can always edit this + the limit amount once you click on "Create: card name"
Assigning Tasks
Once you assign the task by selecting the "Assign" button, we will:
- Mark task as assigned
- Move the task to the bottom of the report to consolidate all completed tasks
- Send a message to the cardholder
- Flag the item on the landing page of Ramp
- Send payment URL to easily switch card details
Inviting Cardholders
Lastly, there is the possibility that we identify a cardholder; however, we don't recognize them as users on Ramp. If this is the case, you can invite the employee, and we will also include a virtual card with the invite for the user to migrate the payment.
Dismissing Vendors
Lastly, you can delete a vendor from the vendor tab by selecting the "trash" icon if the merchant is not relevant.
Additional resources
If you have any additional questions, please contact our support team.