Your company bank account may have disconnected due to the expiration of the bank link, an additional security measure banks take. When this occurs, the bank sends a specific code for the expiration reason, which is translated into simple English and presented to you.
How to Resolve
To fix this, you can click 'Resolve' next to the disconnected account on the Financial Accounts tab (Settings > Company Settings > Financial Accounts). This will bring you to the 'Connection wizard' for further information and recommended actions, such as logging into your bank account and completing multi-factor authentication or re-authenticating via Teller/Finicity in the Ramp app.
If your bank is currently unavailable for connection or if you are unable to reconnect your account, you may need to switch to a manual connection. In this case, follow the prompts in the Connection wizard to switch to a manual account and set up statement uploads. Ramp will send regular reminder emails to the designated point-of-contact (any user with a Bookkeeper, Administrator, or Business Owner role) to ensure your account information stays up-to-date.