Ramp has received the following error message from your Accounting Provider Sage Intacct:
SageException('Sage Intacct reported: Enter a Bill number, and try again. | Error Code: BL03002128 | Additional Message: failed at top entity level')"
Why is this happening?
There is no number associated with the Bill to be synced over when syncing to Sage and Sage requires a Bill ID to sync over (this is the same as an Invoice ID in Ramp).
How do I resolve this error?
"This error occurs because a Bill number is required to sync to Sage. In Ramp, this correlates to the invoice number, which is currently blank. To resolve this please follow the steps below:
- Click the "edit" icon in the Bill
- Under the second header "What for" enter a numerical value into the box "Invoice Number."
- Save
- Reattempt the sync