Note: This article primarily applies to Ramp Administrators.
Cardholders may find other articles in the Ramp overview section to be more applicable.
Cardholders may find other articles in the Ramp overview section to be more applicable.
If your company uses JumpCloud, you can set up the single sign-on feature for use with Ramp. This gives your employees the convenience of a one-click login without using additional multi-factor authentication.
How to set up
Step 1: How to set up JumpCloud SAML Application
- Login to the JumpCloud Admin Portal and select SSO on the side nav.
- Click Add New Application or Get Started if this is your first application.
- Select Custom SAML App (SAML 2.0).
Step 2: Setup JumpCloud Basic SAML Configuration
- Enter General Info, including Display Label, as desired. Click the SSO section.
- Copy the following URL and paste it in for IdP Entity ID, SP Entity ID, and ACS URL:
- Ensure that email is selected for SAML Subject NameID
- Ensure that Declare Redirect Endpoint checkbox is checked.
- Ensure that users are assigned to this application through User Groups.
Step 3: Setup SAML Claims
In the Attributes section, add the following claims:
- givenName: firstname
- familyName: lastname
- email: email
Please Note: Ensure you preserve capitalization for claim names above, for example, givenName. Also, claim values may vary in your system if they were customized. What’s important is that the Name matches above and values correspond to those in your system:
- givenName: User’s first name
- familyName: User’s last name
- email: User’s email address
Click the Activate button after this is set up.
Step 4: Setup Metadata URL on Ramp
- Go back into the Application you just created, and go to the SSO section.
- Click on Copy Metadata URL and paste it in the JumpCloud Metadata URL section (as shown below)
JumpCloud Metadata URL (required)