A virtual credit card, just like a physical card, is tied to the account holder’s line of credit. It provides the same access and includes the same identifying information. However, it doesn’t have the same physical elements, as there is no “card,” so to speak. Logistical differences include:
- Purchases can be made online or over the phone.
- You can only use the card with physical point-of-sale (POS) systems once you can link this card to a physical card, as shown in this article.
You can find the information of your virtual card within the Ramp, on both mobile and web. Click the card to reveal:
- The full payment card number (PAN)
- Expiration
Best practices and tips
We recommend using one virtual card per vendor.
- Security: If the vendor's website security is compromised, your card information with other vendors stays safe. You may simply lock the card for the specific vendor and not have any additional recurring spend blocked.
Accounting: You can create merchant rules and card rules to easily code transactions from specific vendors. One card per vendor helps with financial organization.
- This can be done by heading to Cards --> click on the card you want --> click on edit. From there, scroll to Transaction coding rules, click add, and add your accounting rule.
Flexibility: Ability to easily reassign cards to different owners as you hire and scale your team.
- Virtual cards can easily be transferred from teammate to teammate.
- This can be done by heading to Cards --> click on the card you want --> click on edit. Choose a new owner, then click save.
If you have many cards, easily search for any physical, virtual, or vendor card from the "view all" cards page. Search results will not include deleted cards, pending card requests, or individual reimbursements.