Cardholders may find other articles in the Cards and transactions section to be more applicable.
Ramp offers extensive capabilities to help you control spend before it happens using Ramp cards with embedded policies.
To view or edit card-level controls, locate the card on the Funds and cards tab and click to select it. Click the Options button and select Edit to change any of the settings described below.
Funds & cards tab - Available options
The owner is the name of the cardholder you assign the card to. The owner's name is printed on physical cards.
What is it for?
Enter a short description of the purpose of the card. This is the internal name for the card. This description is not printed on the card.
The limit of the card. The limit renews at the frequency entered in the Frequency field.
The Currency field is only active while the card is being created. You cannot modify the currency of a card after the card has been issued.
How often the Amount, or limit, resets:
- Daily resets at 12am UTC each day.
- Weekly resets at 12am UTC every Sunday.
- Monthly resets at 12am UTC on the last day of each calendar month.
- Quarterly resets at 12am UTC every 3 calendar months (January, April, July, October).
- Yearly limit resets at 12am UTC on the last day of each calendar year.
- Annual limit card limit resets at 12am UTC on the same day each year (the day the card was originally issued).
- One-time the card limit will not reset. The card locks once the limit is reached. If you set the frequency to One-time but the historic spend on the card exceeds that amount, the card will auto-lock. the card could lock immediately if the sum of the historical spend on the card exceeds the Total limit on it now. If you think this happened, contact Support.
Reset amount limit change at the end of the current period?
Toggle Reset amount limit change at the end of the current period on if you would like the limit entered into the Amount field to revert to the previous limit at the end of the period in the Frequency field.
Suppose you have a limit of $1000 a month, but temporarily need additional spend to cover a special project. You could set the amount field to $5000 and toggle reset amount limit change at the end of the current period on. This changes the limit to $5000 until the end of the month when the limit reverts to $1000.
Submission policy
Select the submission policy you want to apply to the transactions made on this card.
This card can be shared with others at your company.
Toggle This card can be shared with others at your company on if you want more than one person to access the same limit.
Who should this card be shared with?
Select the cardholders you want to access the shared limit.
Spending controls and restrictions
Restrict categories & merchants
Click the Add restrictions button to restrict card purchases by category or merchant.
Category restrictions
Click the Control type field to select from the following:
- Select Allowed categories to allow transactions from merchants classified in the selected categories. All spend from merchants not classified in the selected categories is declined.
- Select Blocked categories to block spend from merchants classified in the selected categories.
- Select None if you do not want to restrict by category.
Merchant restrictions.
Click the Control type field to select from the following:
- Select Allowed merchants to allow transactions from the selected merchants. Some merchants may have more than one entry, so select each instance.
- Select Blocked merchants to block spend from the selected merchants. Some merchants may have more than one entry, so select each instance.
- Select None if you do not want to restrict by merchant.
Start date
Enter the date you want the card to become active. Leave blank if you want the card to be active right away.
Lock on a certain date
Enter the date you would like the card to stop accepting charges. Any charges that appear after this date are declined.
Max expense amount
Enter the maximum expense you want to allow on the card. Any transactions over this amount will be automatically declined.
Additional reviews
Expense approval
Select an existing expense approval policy. The policy selected here will apply to all transactions made with this card once you click the Save changes button. Prior transactions retain the expense approval policies active when the transaction occurred.
Transaction coding rules
Accounting rules
Click the Add button to set default entries for accounting fields for transactions made on this card. Selections here override all other accounting rules unless manually overridden.
Payment options
Toggle Online on if you want a virtual card, issued with a card number, to be used for online transactions.
Toggle Reimbursements on if you want to allow employees to be able to enter reimbursements against this card.
- If a reimbursement is not submitted against a card, the default Expenses review policy applies.
- If the limit on the card resets periodically, the date of the transaction determines which reset period the reimbursement is applied against.
- For example, a virtual card's $500 limit resets every week. The cardholder submits a reimbursement request against that limit for a $300 transaction made the prior week that was paid for with their personal, non-Ramp card.
- The $300 reimbursement is applied against last week's limit because the date of the transaction is last week.
- If last week's limit has less than $300 available on it, the reimbursement cannot be requested against this card.
Physical card
Toggle Physical card on if this card will be physically swipeed on location. Each cardholder is limited to one physical card at a time.
Danger zone
You will only see this option if you have multiple entities. If you do, select the entity the card should be associated with. Note that only future transactions are associated with the newly selected entity. Existing transactions remain unchanged.
Add to program
Click the Add to program button to add the card to an existing spend program. If you add the card to a spend program, the spend program settings override any changes you make here.
Click the Terminate button to delete the card.