Error message:
Transaction [xyz] has a mismatch in split amounts. Expected to have $[amount 1]; current splits add up to $[amount 2]
Split Transaction Errors
Generally, split transaction errors occur when the total amount of the original transaction has changed. Therefore, the split transaction amounts no longer add up to the original transaction causing an error.
A Ramp card is used at a restaurant. The initial charge to Ramp card is $100 and the transaction was split in half ~ $50 / $50. However, when the charge cleared the tip amount was added to the Ramp card, so the transaction is now $120, not $100. Therefore, the split transaction amounts add up to $100, but the transaction is $120. The split amounts need to be changed to $60 / $60 for the transaction to sync.
To resolve this issue, go to the original transaction, and re-enter the correct split amounts with the new total.