If you are missing a receipt for a particular transaction on your Ramp card, our system allows you to let your Finance team know without ever leaving the platform.
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- How to request a policy exception
- Who is responsible for approving this request?
- What if my Ramp card is locked because I don't have this receipt?
- How do I dismiss requirements on a users behalf (Manager/Admin only)
How to request a policy exception
There are three places to flag a missing receipt, or in other words, request a "policy exception."
On the web app: Click on the transaction on your Ramp dashboard. Once the transaction is open, click on 'Request Policy Exception'. Depending on your view, this may be under the More option or the three-dot menu, as shown below:
From there, you can fill in a memo to explain that this receipt was lost or provide further clarification why it is unavailable.
On the mobile app: Click on the transaction you're missing a receipt for. Click on Actions at the bottom of the page. Click 'I don't have a receipt.'
Via SMS : When submitting missing items via SMS, Ramp will ask for a receipt or you may reply "OOPS" if you don't have a receipt. Replying "OOPS" will start a policy exception request. This feature is in beta and is not available to all customers yet.
Who is responsible for approving this request?
These requests are sent to your direct manager (if applicable) or Admin to let them know about the missing receipt. They can then dismiss the requirement for that transaction pursuant to company policy.
What if my card is locked due to this missing receipt?
A request must be approved, or the missing items must be dismissed manually by an Admin or Manager to unlock a card that has been automatically locked due to missing items.
Please note that Ramp is unable to unlock cards in this state since these locks are an enforcement of your company expense policy. See our article Automatically lock cards for details
Keep in mind that even if a transaction is synced to your accounting provider, that won't dismiss the missing item. The manager or admin still needs to dismiss the requirement to remove a request for missing items/unlock cards where applicable.
How do I dismiss requirements on a users behalf (Manager/Admin only)
As an admin or business owner, you can dismiss a receipt requirement by clicking on the transaction and clicking 'Dismiss Requirements', as shown below:
If an employee has already requested an exception, you will see the following instead: