As of Sept 2023, partners on Ramp's Advisor Console can start and fill out a Ramp Financing Application on behalf of their clients. Then, they can invite their client into the Financing Application to review and submit.
We built this feature in order to help our partners migrate their clients onto new software - we know it's never easy asking someone to fill out an application!
How to refer clients to Ramp and prepare their application for them
- Log into the Console and then click the Add a client button in the top right corner
- Click Yes, help apply and invite them (note - this will automatically generate a referral, too)
- Fill out as much of the App as you can. At the end, invite someone from the client to review or complete the app and then submit. NOTE: Once your client accepts the application invite, you will not be able to go back into the application.
- This triggers an email to the client that asks them to review the Application. Upon clicking the email, the client will need to create a Ramp account, and then be brought into the Application.
- If the application is 100% complete, the client will be taken to the end of the application to review and submit. If not, the client will be taken to the first part of the application that needs to be completed and then submit. Note: You will be able to track your client's progress via the Advisor Console (when they submit the app, when it's approved, etc.).
- If your client is approved: As your client onboards to Ramp, they will be prompted to Connect with your firm. Assuming they don't skip this step, you'll see a connection request show up in your Console, and you will just need to accept it in order to get connected.
- Add yourself or assign the relevant staff to the client. Once the client has paid down at least a $1K Ramp statement, both you and your client are eligible for the referral bonus.
How to refer the clients to Ramp
- Log into the Console and then click the "Add a client" button in the top right hand corner. This is on your Clients tab.
- Click No, just invite them
- Enter your client's email and then indicate which roles you'd like to have with your client - Administrator, Bookkeeper & AP Clerk, or just AP Clerk. Click the green Invite client button.
- Your client will receive an email inviting them to apply to Ramp, and you'll be able to track their status in the Pending Clients tab. You can also see all referrals you've made in the Referral Rewards tab.
- As your client onboards to Ramp, they will be prompted to Connect with your firm. Assuming they don't skip this step, you'll see a connection request show up in your Console and will just need to Accept in order to get connected.
- Add yourself or assign the relevant staff to the client. Once the client has paid down at least a $1K Ramp statement, both you and your client are eligible for the referral bonus.
What referral emails will my client receive?
If you prepare your client's application, this is the email they will receive:
If you just refer your client normally, this is the email they will receive:
Connect with clients already on Ramp
- Log into the Console and then click the Add a client button in the top right hand corner. This is on your Clients tab.
- Click My client is already on Ramp
- Indicate which roles you'd like to have with your client - Administrator, Bookkeeper & AP Clerk, or just AP Clerk, and then enter your client's email. Click the green Send Invite Email button. (If you need to connect with a bunch of clients already on Ramp, you can also copy the link and use that instead)
- When the client clicks on the link sent via email, they will be able to action on the connection request.
- You will get notified once the connection request is accepted, and you will be able to assign staff to the client.
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)
Does initiating a financing application still count as making a referral?
Yes! Every time you start an application for a client, this will automatically generate a referral. Once the client has been approved for Ramp and paid down at least a $1K statement within 30 days, you and your client will be eligible for the referral bonus.
Does the application invite to my client expire?
Yes, the invite will expire after 14 days. Within the Advisor Console, just click on the application invite. From there, you can either re-send the invitation to them or send it to someone else.
What happens if I accidentally send the financing application invite to the wrong email?
So long as the invitee hasn't yet accepted the application invite, you can send it to someone else. This will automatically revoke the original application invite. You can do so in your Advisor Console - just click on the application invite from there.
I'm concerned about filling out an application for credit on my client's behalf. Is this okay?
For every application you prepare, your client still needs to review it, complete any remaining fields and click "Submit." As part of this, they will need to certify that the information within the application is true and accurate, and that they have the authority to act on behalf of their business. We consider the client as the final applicant.